International Day of Mourning
These are their stories…

Candace Carnahan
Candace lost her leg due to a workplace injury in Miramichi and went from dealing with the loss of a leg to becoming an internationally renowned safety motivational speaker.
Threads of Life – Shirley Hickman & Bill Stunt
Shirley & Bill discuss their own personal stories and how this important charity “Threads of Life” exists to support families after a workplace fatality, life-altering injury, or occupational disease.
David Collins
David shares his story about the event that forever changes his life working as a high school summer student.
Spencer Beach
Spencer shares his incredible story of survival which resulted in severe burns to over 90% of his body. Spencer is now the proprietor of Spencer Speaks, Motivation, Safety, & Inspirational Speaker.
Kody Thorne
Kody shares his story about how his hand was crushed on the job at the age of 18 while operating a lift at a ski hill.
Rayma Martin
Rayma tells the story of her husband Jimmy Martin who fell to his death in a workplace incident near Woodstock, NB in 2019. Rayma talks about the worst day of her life and how it changed her life forever.